has anybody an idea or knows how to get the online mod running on a linux system?
The game runs via the steam launcher and proton/wine
There's a user on discord that got BO to work on Proton, though he had to go through a few steps to get it to work. He left this note though:THis makes me a sad.
i need it.
I Crave it.
I think u just need to add something else maybe, I`ll try later
LOL i got it working. Steps to reproduce:
- Delete proton prefix folder (compdata/261550)
- Set the proton version to 4.2-9
- Start Bannerlord launcher to regenerate proton prefix and exit
- Install dotnet472 using protontricks (protontricks 261550 dotnet472). Note that this step installs all required previous versions of dotnet and may take an hour to do.
- Set the proton version back to experimental or ge 6. Install BO and enjoy!!!
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3057359300Recently i tried once more to reproduce setting up Bannerlord Online from scratch and i was unsuccessful. However i was still able to start and play Bannerlord Online using my old prefix and terminal command:
STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=/path/to/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/261550 proton -e 261550 BannerlordOnline.exe
Here is the link to my working prefix:
Delete your 261550 prefix and replace it with mine
BannerlordOnline.exe is in steamuser/AppData/Local/Programs/Bannerlord Online
Hopefully this works for others
protontricks 261550 dotnet472
protontricks-launch --appid 261550 "~/Downloads/BannerlordOnlineSetup.exe"
$(echo %command% | sed -r "s/proton waitforexitandrun .*/proton waitforexitandrun/") "/mnt/gamedrive/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Mount & Blade II Bannerlord/OnlineMod/Bannerlord Online/BannerlordOnline.exe"
gamescope -f -W 3840 -H 2160 -w 3840 -h 2160 --force-grab-cursor --adaptive-sync -- $(echo %command% | sed -r "s/proton waitforexitandrun .*/proton waitforexitandrun/") "/mnt/gamedrive/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Mount & Blade II Bannerlord/OnlineMod/Bannerlord Online/BannerlordOnline.exe"