(Guide) Character Creation & Tutorial


Oct 17, 2021
Welcome to Bannerlord Online! In this post I'd like to guide you through the entire setup of starting out in Bannerlord Online and walk you through the Tutorial missions that are required to unlock the interaction wheel used for Trading with another player, forming or joining a group and joining a clan.

Your first step will be to select which server you wish to play on. The created character will only be available on the selected server and progress will be saved automatically!

It is useful to know that the character culture has no impact at all on your character. As all characters spawn in Zeonica, you're free to pick any culture you want!

Next, it is time to create the appearance of your character. The only important choice to make here, is your characters Gender. Feel free to play around with the options to see what's preferred for you. But don't worry to much, as you'll be able to change the appearance of your character at any time after creation. All characters will be aged 30, as characters don't age in Bannerlord Online, you'll have that same age for the rest of it's Calradian life.

For those that have created countless of characters in single player, or have a very specific appearance they have previously made, you can use a character appearance code after you've finished creating your character. At any time while on the campaign map, you can press "V" to open up the character editor and copy (Ctrl + C) or paste (Ctrl + V) the character code into the editor.

Example code:
<BodyProperties version="4" age="30" weight="0.5" build="0.5" key="0000B8000000300D7C7664876753888A7577866254C69643C4B647398C95A0370167761406A7497300000000000000000000000000000000000000003AC44003" />

Next you will be prompted to choose a character name. This name is not permanent, as you're able to rename your character. The cooldown on a rename is 7 days.

After filling in your character name, you will return to the main menu with your newly created character. It's time to press "Join the server" to get your adventure started! Read the next post for the Tutorial part of the guide.
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Oct 17, 2021

Upon first joining the server, you are met with Godric. The nice fellow that will help you along the way of becoming independant in Bannerlord Online. A short dialog with reveal that in order to establish yourself, you will need to gain some troops. But before you can gain troops, you will need some money to recruit them and pay for their wages. Having just arrived, you do not have any money and no weapon or armor to protect yourself. You can always check your journal to see the progress of your missions or suggestions on what to do next.

Save up 500 denars
While the mission only requires you to save up 500 denars, it is strongly recommended to safe up a lot more so you can complete all the tutorial steps without having to go back to making money. Let's have a look at our starter options!

Available OptionsShort descriptionGuide
ArenaDefeat your enemies in the arena to win 500 Denars!n/a
Chopping WoodTravelling to Alsasos to chop down some wood.Woodcutting
Wheat FarmingFarming wheat in Tarcutis. This doesn't pay all that well and can be ignored as a money making option.Farming
Hunting BoarsSearching for boars and shooting them down with a bow in Zeocorys.Hunting
Mining oreUsing a pickaxe to mine rocks in search for iron ore in Neocorys.Mining

The prices for the jobs as well as for the gear you'll need to buy are all player determined, so the amount you'll need may strongly vary per server and even per day. But I'd recommend sticking around until you have at least 20000 in your pockets. When you're on the campaign map, right click on any of the village names to see how much they're currently offering for the materials. This should help you choose which village to go to.

Remember, you have no weapons! So avoiding getting into a fight with the looters. But don't worry, bandits won't attack you in the Zeonica area when your party size is below 20, so you'll be able to reach all the nearby job villages safely.

Return to Godric
When you have sufficient denars, return to Godric. He can be found inside the tavern of Zeonica. You will be rewarded with 1500 Denars.

Now that we have some money, it's time to go shopping for some gear. The journal page will tell you what items you need and which tier it has to be. Leave the tavern (Hold TAB) and go to the Town Surroundings. It's time to visit the Weaponsmith and Armor Master. After buying the required items, make sure you equip them in your combat outfit and not in your civilian outfit. By default, the inventory will display the civilian outfit while you're inside a settlement.


Return to Godric in the tavern to move on to the next mission. You will receive some Bread as a reward.

For your next step, you need to recruit at least 3 troops. The starter Imperial Recruit will be sufficient for this mission, but you're free to recruit any 3 troops that you'd like. In the Town Surroundings, you will be able to find tier 1 up to 3 troops standing around. The tavern can occasionally have tier 4 and 5 units available.

The Imperial recruit can be found in abundance inside the Zeonica streets. They all share a similar tunic. A simple way to spot them from a distance is by holding Alt, which will highlight all players and NPCs in your view, with the exception of the recruitable troops. So any person you see that has no name, you can recruit!

Your initial Party limit will be 5, including yourself. So you may as well recruit 4 Imperial Recruits or higher tier that you may spot inside Zeonica. Note that only 3 units will enter the the hideout in the next step, but Godric will also bring 2 units, so you should be fine.

Find Godric
Godric will be waiting for you on the campaign map near a hideout. The location of the hideout can be in several locations, so you'll need to consule your Journal to see which direction you have to search. You may wish to reset the camera rotation to help determine which side is east and which side is west. Once you find it, talk to Godric who is just outside of the hideout.

Check within the vicinity of Tarcutis. In most cases you will be able to see the location while you're standing directly outside of Tarcutis. If not, walk in a big circle around Tarcutis, as your scouting is still low, you may not immediatly spot it even if you're close.

Search for the hideout between the coast line and Alsasos. This may also be a fairly big area, but shouldn't take long to find.

For my screenshot, the location of the hideout is listed as north-east of Zeonica.

Return to Godric
After defeating the enemies inside the hideout, return to the tavern of Zeonica to talk to Godric. You will be rewarded with 2000 denars and have finished the tutorial missions. This will also unlock the interaction wheel which will allow you to Barter and join/form Groups.

Now that you've covered the tutorial, it's time for you to choose your own destiny. I hope this will have helped you through your tutorial steps and feel free to have a look at more New Player Tips!

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