Do you really want to push away solo players?


Jul 30, 2022
So I havn't been around long I will admit, but its been long enough to see some glaring issues with how solo players are treated by the game systems, in particular the clan "bonuses".

The game as it is essential tries to force you into clans which i don't belive is a healthy approach, some people just want to be lone knights, traders or vagabonds, and others which is the category i fall into, don't want to rush to the endgame in a developing mod, because that is really what joining a rank 10 clan is for a new player.

From what I have heard there arnt really any neutral clans left, so this isnt a option either, and considering the straight up bloodlust of some clans, i see why thats not really a option either..

Now you might say I am wrong in thinking that the clan bonuses punish solo players, so I will explain why i feel like this: It is all well and good that clans get rewarded for theyr high level, but the problem largely comes hangs on the economy and progression, the troop bonus i feel is pretty much fine.

However the speed bonus and troop xp bonus makes it so that a solo player really can't compete in cost vs rewards for f.eks raising and selling troops, and this is not fine as prices get pushed down by clan players who can raise them much faster. the travel speed also makes it difficult for a solo player to compete when it comes to trading between towns.

edit: the speed boost basicly means it takes solo players twice the amount of time to catch looters.

I mentioned the hero xp aswell, and i do feel this is a kind of "unfair" way of trying to force players into clans, with how slow progression is, but it is still less of a issue then the economic one.

My point is, should we really try to make this a "clan" only game? or do we want to embrace diffrent playstyles?


Oct 17, 2021
As a clan leader for a PvE focused clan on EU, and I know a NA PvE clan leader as well, we have been trying to get a PvE mode for clans for a long time. To ensure players can join clans without the risks of war, so they have a nice place to learn their ways before deciding on what path follows.

We know devs will create a PvE mode for clans, but the details haven't been worked out. It's also not on the priority list, so they'll finish other major updates first (economy update and seige update).


Jul 30, 2022
I truely did not belive there were any pve clans, was told there used to be but it was thing of the past.

This of course would help in my situation, but I still belive that gating movespeed and xp gainsbehind being a clan member is the wrong approach, as even if i am willing to join a clan where i don't feel i have to progress at a certain speed, or constantly fear for losing my hard earned newb stuff to insurmountable odds in pvp, there are MANY solo players in any mmo.

I feel the clan bonuses should be more centered around what a clan actually is, and not be something that pretty much everyone needs (such as more troops, more troop storage, % less chance of losing gear to player, % less of troops dieing instead of being injure in pvp) to get a "full" game experience.

I think I make it pretty clear that im not looking for shortcuts seeing as i willingly left the clan enviroment to avoid getting pushed into endgame.

However I have been focusing alot on raising SS, while i was clanned up I could do almost 5 full batches of ss in a day, solo I can do 1 and a half, and obviously the amount of ss i can raise at a time is substantially lower (which also means less xp gain for troops btw).

The Troop Xp, combined with Troop number, Spotting bonus and actually most importantly movement speed makes an absolutely INSANE diffrence in the speed which one can raise troops (because of how insanely much faster you catch up to bandits), From what i can see it seems to be ATLEAST 3 times faster to raise them while in a clan.

And this is not only a problem for the economy where solo players can in no way compete in prices, it is also a problem for general content, If a solo player has to use a full day to get army to do actual content, while clans can raise about 4 times as many armies in a day (4 times because the 20 troop diffrence also means in 3 runs you raise a entire extra army) This means solo players can only do one fourth of the Valueable content (like frostlands), but in actuality alot less since again, less troops and no clan to back you up.

Again my problem is not with troop size however, Yes this adds to the diffrence but if the others wernt a issue, this would be fine, and reality is even if troop size is a big benefit, you can play the game fairly well without the 20 troops.

I am truely sorry for the wall of text, but i feel this is an important issue, even though i am not the best at condensing my thought in the small snippets.

I have played mmo's since I was 12, been around since early runescape and everquest, played pretty much every mmo there ever was, and the main downfall of all these is player retention, a mmo simply cannot survive without player retention, and this being a mod that does not get alot of publicity, which is basicly living on the goodwill of grateful players right now. The player retention is even more important.

I will also say as a side note, that dumbing the game down making skilling easier/faster is also not the way to go, this will also hurt retention, so I am in no way advocating making the game in general "easier".


Dec 3, 2021
Out of curiosity, does higher clan members still move faster than other players?
Because it makes great sense to make it like that..
Last year i quitted the game just because of that idiotic "feature". Game/mod had great potential but ruined by such small details..


Oct 17, 2021
Out of curiosity, does higher clan members still move faster than other players?
Because it makes great sense to make it like that..
Last year i quitted the game just because of that idiotic "feature". Game/mod had great potential but ruined by such small details..

Yes, the clans can still get a movement speed bonus. 0.1-0.3 depending on clan level.
Clans do need to pay influence each month to activate the bonus, but the influence leak is gone. It's become a lot easier to manage higher level clans.

Old Sellsword

Nov 28, 2021
Forget about it. The Devs want large clans to abuse small clans. Sure it will drive away the majority of the player base, but thats just how it is. You should join a large ganker-clan. Only way to end up on top.


Mar 28, 2021
Así que no he estado mucho tiempo, lo admito, pero ha sido suficiente para ver algunos problemas evidentes con la forma en que los sistemas de juego tratan a los jugadores individuales, en particular los "bonos" del clan.

El juego, como es esencial, trata de forzarte a entrar en clanes, lo que no creo que sea un enfoque saludable, algunas personas solo quieren ser caballeros solitarios, comerciantes o vagabundos, y otras, que es la categoría en la que caigo, no quiero para apresurarse al final del juego en un mod en desarrollo, porque eso es realmente lo que significa unirse a un clan de rango 10 para un nuevo jugador.

Por lo que he escuchado, realmente no quedan clanes neutrales, así que esta tampoco es una opción, y considerando la sed de sangre directa de algunos clanes, veo por qué tampoco es una opción...

Ahora podría decir que me equivoco al pensar que las bonificaciones de clan castigan a los jugadores individuales, así que explicaré por qué me siento así: está muy bien que los clanes sean recompensados por su alto nivel, pero el problema en gran parte depende del economía y progresión, la bonificación de tropa creo que está bastante bien.

Sin embargo, la bonificación de velocidad y la bonificación de XP de tropa hacen que un jugador en solitario realmente no pueda competir en costo versus recompensas para criar y vender tropas, y esto no está bien ya que los jugadores del clan empujan hacia abajo los precios que pueden criarlos. mucho mas rápido. la velocidad de viaje también dificulta que un jugador solitario compita cuando se trata de comerciar entre ciudades.

editar: el aumento de velocidad básicamente significa que los jugadores en solitario tardan el doble de tiempo en atrapar a los saqueadores.

También mencioné el héroe xp, y creo que esta es una forma "injusta" de tratar de obligar a los jugadores a unirse a los clanes, con lo lenta que es la progresión, pero aún es un problema menor que el económico.

Mi punto es, ¿deberíamos realmente tratar de hacer de este un juego solo de "clanes"? ¿O queremos adoptar diferentes estilos de juego?
Buenas donde puedo descargar el mod para jugar online?


Oct 24, 2023
So I havn't been around long I will admit, but its been long enough to see some glaring issues with how solo players are treated by the game systems, in particular the clan "bonuses".

The game as it is essential tries to force you into clans which i don't belive is a healthy approach, some people just want to be lone knights, traders or vagabonds, and others which is the category i fall into, don't want to rush to the endgame in a developing mod, because that is really what joining a rank 10 clan is for a new player.

From what I have heard there arnt really any neutral clans left, so this isnt a option either, and considering the straight up bloodlust of some clans, i see why thats not really a option either..

Now you might say I am wrong in thinking that the clan bonuses punish solo players, so I will explain why i feel like this: It is all well and good that clans get rewarded for theyr high level, but the problem largely comes hangs on the economy and progression, the troop bonus i feel is pretty much fine.

However the speed bonus and troop xp bonus makes it so that a solo player really can't compete in cost vs rewards for f.eks raising and selling troops, and this is not fine as prices get pushed down by clan players who can raise them much faster. the travel speed also makes it difficult for a solo player to compete when it comes to trading between towns.

edit: the speed boost basicly means it takes solo players twice the amount of time to catch looters.

I mentioned the hero xp aswell, and i do feel this is a kind of "unfair" way of trying to force players into clans, with how slow progression is, but it is still less of a issue then the economic one.

My point is, should we really try to make this a "clan" only game? or do we want to embrace diffrent playstyles?
I agree I am a new player and kind of feeling forced to join a clan because of the perk you get but I just wanna do solo stuff the way the mod is designed it is way hard and honestly not fun to play solo


Dec 5, 2023
yeah i'm hesitant to join because i'd like to be able to just sort of be a sword-for-hire, maybe work as a mercenary for a variety of clans, do some pvp content vs other solo players, team up with other lone players and then go our separate ways.


Mar 28, 2021
I have to agree, i'm a new player and everything points towards having to join a clan in order to move on in the game, i'm in my 30's and i don't care enough about video games to dedicate so much of my time and effort toward something of so little value. I just want to be able to play for 30 mins or so a day and be done with it without having to feel like i'm being punished for doing so. Its fundamentally poor game design, progression should not be dependant on commitment at the expense of life quality.


Dec 10, 2023
yeah i'm hesitant to join because i'd like to be able to just sort of be a sword-for-hire, maybe work as a mercenary for a variety of clans, do some pvp content vs other solo players, team up with other lone players and then go our separate ways.
I too would like to, as a solo or grouper, be able to PvP with solos, no clans. Clans should be relegated to fighting other clans, or at best if against non-clan no more human players than the non-clans