Search results

  1. DP Kacpi

    Polska Lokalizacja (Only Polish Players)

    Dzięki uprzejmości twórców moda, udało nam się dodać język Polski do Bannerlord Online. W tym temacie można zgłaszać błędy związane z tłumaczeniem; Jeśli uważasz, że konkretny tekst mógłby być lepiej przetłumaczony, możesz również napisać to w tym temacie. Temat poświęcony wyłącznie Polskiej...
  2. DP Kacpi

    [suggestions] Skills

    I suggest that the skill *Charm* was developed through the performance of tasks. added bonuses (for example) 25lvl - Units' wages are reduced by 5%. 50lvl - You get 10% more income and money for completed tasks. 125lvl - Units' wages are reduced by 15%. 200lvl - Daily quest limit is increased...
  3. DP Kacpi

    [Discussion] Opinion on the loss of items in battles!

    I don't know if there was such a proposal, but does it have to be the option that allows AI to take all the weapons from the weapon set? I lost twice like this, once at the beginning of a new character, and when the looters defeated me, all my weapons that I had in slots disappeared, including...