[suggestions] Skills

DP Kacpi

Infantry Man
Nov 5, 2021
I suggest that the skill *Charm* was developed through the performance of tasks.
added bonuses (for example)
25lvl - Units' wages are reduced by 5%.
50lvl - You get 10% more income and money for completed tasks.
125lvl - Units' wages are reduced by 15%.
200lvl - Daily quest limit is increased by 3.

20lvl - Increases world map speed on horse by 2%.
40lvl - Increases world map speed on horse by 6%.
60lvl - Increases world map speed on horse by 10%.
100lvl - Increases the armor and health points of the mount by 5%.
180lvl - You can use one extra packs animal without a speed penalty.


20lvl - Increases world map speed on foot by 2%.
40lvl - Increases world map speed on foot by 6%.
60lvl - Increases world map speed on foot by 10%.
100lvl - Increases your health points by 20.
180lvl - Your base load capacity has been increased by 50.


60lvl - You get 2% more money for loads.
90lvl - You get 5% more money for loads.
120lvl - You can use four pack animal without a speed penalty.
180lvl - You get 10% more money for loads.


120lvl - Increases the healing speed while moving on the map.
170lvl - Your units receive an additional 10 health points.
200lvl Each unit that is not wounded increases healing in the settlement by 0.1%.


120lvl - Increases the detection range of hideouts by 10%.
200lvl - You are a master of camouflage, you can send 5 additional units on the mission.


(We can gain experience by paying bandits for the passage, completing tasks at the thief in the tavern, and selling items at artisan.)

20lvl - You pay 5% less to bandits for leaving peacefully.
40lvl - Extends the duration of the Peaceful Departure by 50%.
100lvl - You get 10% more money for smuggling goods from Headman's.
150lvl - You get 20% more loot from battles.
200lvl - Bandits have a 40% chance that you will be recognized as one of them and pay nothing for a peaceful passage.

*Ranged weapons*

50lvl - You receive 2 bolts / 2 arrows / 1 Throwings for each quiver or pack.

*Melee weapons*

50lvl - Your attacks penetrate 10% of enemy armor.


120lvl - Your units deal 10% more damage.
160lvl - Each morale point above 100 increases the speed of units on the global and battle maps by 1%.
200lvl - Upgrading your units is cheaper by 10%.

Feel free to comment, present your version, and I encourage the mod's administrators to comment.


@moonlight.exe @Storm @Slender @Leanbow


Oct 27, 2021
I like your ideas!

off the top of my head

100lvl melee weapons - 5% faster swing speed
150lvl melee weapons - 10% faster swing speed
200lvl melee weapons - dmg increase 5%

100lvl ranged weapons - increase draw speed by 5%
150lvl ranged weapons- bolts/arrows/throw ignore 5% armor
200lvl ranged weapons- bolts/arrows/throw ignore 10% armor