My New Player Experience


Dec 4, 2022
In short: It's bad.
In long: My player experience as a new player to Butterlord Online was awful and I surely won't recommend my friends to play it. At least not in it's current state.


Current state of Butterlord Online, at least in my opinion, it coarse and rough and irritating. With every battle I think worst of it.
I expected more of a PvP/PvE gameplay. Players commanding thier armies, trying to take over whole Calradia from both AI Lords (PvE content) and other players and Clans alike (PvP/PvE content) with maybe having some great alternatives to play instead of trying to "rule" the world, to be a trader, a caravan master, a mercenary, a craftsman. To just mind your buisness in the world of Calradia.

Instead I experienced a "great grind wall" at the start of the game I had to face just to reach even a basic army size and invetory capacity. When I reached, as I though, a rather acceptable level and party size (Of course it was not) and joined a clan I learned I that "great grind wall" was actually but a first stone in said wall, and I have to "grind some money" to buy myself better equipment and grind "some skills" to thier acceptable level or just P2W it in order to even have a chance in playing PvP against other players.

And what is PvP in this game? Well... it's a joke, I can tell that already. Current and the only Meta is going Rambo in best items with Polearm and Throwing Javelins at your enemy in order to Oneshot him. If you're using something else you're just giving your enemy an advantage. Your units are there just for show and as a "hope backup" if you lose your "Meta throwing duel" with other player. Not to fight his units with them.

Clans are throwing wars left and right on every other clan just for the fun of it. No matter if you're peaceful, or not. Clans means irrational PvP. If you're in a more peaceful clan and doing your business you might recive a pleasure of reciving a war declaration just the second some tryhard saw you and few seconds later being ganked in a battle 5 vs 1. Sadly, I learned this two times the hard way.

While I do not mind some grind, I find grind here ridiculous. Murdering and Looting over and over again those poor, peaceful looters, forest bandits and sea raiders just to get some coins, level up your skills and level up your units just to sell them or turn them into nobles, level up them and then sell them, because you want to buy overpowered weapons and armors to "start" playing as Rambo.

While I do not mind being ganked by players, as it's part of the PvP experience, I really do mind how it is easy to do so. How a clan can declare war on other clan, how it can be done with no Casus Belli behind it, with no cooldown, with no repercussions after such thing, and I mean other than just having to fight and lose some troops. There is no current objective is such wars, other than "beating the hell out of the other clan". And there should be, like taking thier city or castle, bleeding the other clan out of money by raiding thier caravans or starving them to death, And after that losing clan(s) recive a debuff for a certain amout of time and also have to pay for said war.


Oct 17, 2021
I wish I could say I disagree with your experience, but you've summed it up quite nicely.

The current state of the game leaves hardcore PvPers without any real objective, which results in the many wars. As for going rambo... Well.. The player is OP. The only good thing I can say is that with the updates, we are making progress to more content to keep players busy.

The new PvE content is welcoming (Black Claw scenarios, Companion hideouts and training companions, caravan raiding.) But overall, I fear until we get to the point of castles, PvP will not have a true goal except bragging rights.

Bibb Sellsword

Jun 26, 2021
This is how the devs want it. The most rudimentary and unrefined war system in any war game ever. But I certainly hope they will modify it heavily, in line with your reasoning, towards how a proper game should work.

"While I do not mind being ganked by players, as it's part of the PvP experience, I really do mind how it is easy to do so. How a clan can declare war on other clan, how it can be done with no Casus Belli behind it, with no cooldown, with no repercussions after such thing, and I mean other than just having to fight and lose some troops. There is no current objective is such wars, other than "beating the hell out of the other clan". And there should be, like taking thier city or castle, bleeding the other clan out of money by raiding thier caravans or starving them to death, And after that losing clan(s) recive a debuff for a certain amout of time and also have to pay for said war."