(Guide) Game files are corrupted!


Oct 17, 2021
Also having this problem. Able to login with a character, but the error pops up after a few minutes with no input. I've tried removing bannerlord online files in Documents and reinstalling the game on a separate SSD (multiple times) to no avail. Also tried deleting the Watchdog folder. I have no mods subscribed on Steam workshop.

Could there be an compatibility issue with AMD CPU/GPU as I have AMD for both? The mod works fine on my laptop running NVIDIA GPU and Intel CPU.

Are there any log files to look at to see what game files are corrupted?

There is no reason to believe hardware could influence this error.

Did you fully uninstall Bannerlord before reinstalling it on another ssd? BO will by default stick to a location first detected and registers this location in the windows registry. If you didn't remove the game, it will just use previous installation files.


Jun 18, 2024
Thanks for the reply. I tried uninstalling bannerlord and the mod again, every entry related to bannerlord and the game id 261550 in my two disk drives, and every entry related to bannerlord in my registry using regedit but the issue persisted.

Ultimately I reinstalled Windows via Windows Restore and that worked.
Last edited:


Jul 7, 2024
This error is happening to me consistently with a fresh install of both Bannerlord and the mod. Basically will happen within 10 seconds after loading into the game world without fail. I have reinstalled and verified game files several times.

Interesting fact, I am also using an AMD CPU/GPU. Seems plausible that that might be related to the issue. I checked in %programdata%/Mount and Blade II Bannerlord and while no crash logs were available, I found an error in rgl_log_2372.txt.

Error: Non-Zero Device Reference Count! (ERC15028)

I tried changing some of the graphics settings in both Bannerlord and AMD Adrenalin and didn't have any luck with resolving the error, but hopefully this message might point the devs in the right direction.

Here is the context of the error from the logs:
[10:46:07.444] IMono_MBMission::create_mission : 0.002396
[10:46:07.613] Force VSync State is now DEACTIVATED
[10:46:07.613] PushScreen
[10:46:07.613] SandBox.View.Map.MapScreen::HandlePause
[10:46:07.616] SandBox.View.Map.MapScreen::HandleDeactivate
[10:46:07.616] Release Sound Event 55
[10:46:07.616] OnScreenListChanged
[10:46:07.617] TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.View.Screens.MissionScreen::HandleInitialize
[10:46:07.617] -------MissionScreen-OnInitialize
[10:46:07.617] TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.View.Screens.MissionScreen::HandleActivate
[10:46:07.618] TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.View.Screens.MissionScreen::HandleResume
[10:46:07.823] Scene_view::clear_all(Main_map)
[10:46:08.063] Scene level: civilian set to activate.
[10:46:08.063] Scene level: level_3 set to activate.
[10:46:08.064] Loading xml file: $BASE/Modules/SandBoxCore/SceneObj/empire_town_d/scene.xscene.
[10:46:08.069] Loading xml file: $BASE/Modules/SandBoxCore/SceneObj/empire_town_d/atmosphere.xml.
[10:46:08.210] Oro temporary memory watermark: 56.63 KB (max 4096 KB).
[10:46:08.228] 2138 entities are registered as oro.
[10:46:08.266] NAV_MESH: load finished, first load for scene: 1
[10:46:08.282] rglShader_manager::read_compressed_shader_cache_package : 0.000097
[10:46:08.301] Placed flora count, 1047, flora_green__mix_big_leafs
[10:46:08.311] Loading xml file: $BASE/Modules/Native//ModuleData/water_prefabs.xml.
[10:46:08.322] Loading xml file: ../../Modules/Native/Atmospheres/Interpolated/semicloudy_empire.xml.
[10:46:08.460] ----------Mission-AddTeam-Defender
[10:46:08.499] ----------Mission-AddTeam-Attacker
[10:46:08.500] ----------Mission-AddTeam-Attacker
[10:46:08.566] -------MissionScreen-OnActivate
[10:46:08.669] --------------- Conversation Start ---------------
[10:46:08.669] Conversation character name: Godric
id: singleplayer_tutorial_first_dialog
[10:46:08.683] AI -> (multiplayer_dialog_1116) -
[10:46:08.895] Bake Terrain
[10:46:08.964] Bake Terrain
[10:46:08.969] Bake Terrain
[10:46:08.974] Bake Terrain
[10:46:20.268] I called EndMission
[10:46:20.272] I called EndMissionInternal
[10:46:20.290] --------------- Conversation End ---------------
[10:46:20.529] -------MissionScreen-OnDeactivate
[10:46:20.634] CleanScreens
[10:46:20.634] TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.View.Screens.MissionScreen::HandlePause
[10:46:20.634] TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.View.Screens.MissionScreen::HandleDeactivate
[10:46:20.634] -------MissionScreen-OnDeactivate
[10:46:20.634] TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.View.Screens.MissionScreen::HandleFinalize
[10:46:20.634] -------MissionScreen-OnFinalize
[10:46:20.654] Scene_view::clear_all(empire_town_d)
[10:46:20.655] OnScreenListChanged
[10:46:20.655] SandBox.View.Map.MapScreen::HandlePause
[10:46:20.655] SandBox.View.Map.MapScreen::HandleDeactivate
[10:46:20.655] SandBox.View.Map.MapScreen::HandleFinalize
[10:46:20.655] RemoveGlobalLayer
[10:46:20.657] RemoveGlobalLayer
[10:46:20.908] Scene_view::clear_all(Main_map)
[10:46:20.909] OnScreenListChanged
[10:46:21.003] CleanScreens
[10:46:21.096] opening ..\..\Modules\Native/ModuleData/global_strings.xml
[10:46:21.096] opening ../../XmlSchemas/GameText.xsd
[10:46:21.098] opening ..\..\Modules\Native/ModuleData/native_strings.xml
[10:46:21.098] opening ../../XmlSchemas/GameText.xsd
[10:46:21.100] opening ..\..\Modules\Native/ModuleData/module_strings.xml
[10:46:21.100] opening ../../XmlSchemas/GameText.xsd
[10:46:21.115] opening ..\..\Modules\Native/ModuleData/photo_mode_strings.xml
[10:46:21.115] opening ../../XmlSchemas/GameText.xsd
[10:46:21.117] opening ..\..\Modules\BannerlordOnline/ModuleData/module_strings.xml
[10:46:21.117] opening ../../XmlSchemas/GameText.xsd
[10:46:21.413] Force VSync State is now DEACTIVATED
[10:46:21.413] CleanAndPushScreen
[10:46:21.413] DeactivateAndFinalizeAllScreens
[10:46:21.413] OnScreenListChanged
[10:46:21.501] OnScreenListChanged
[10:46:21.501] MultiplayerClient.Menu.CustomInitialMenuScreen::HandleInitialize
[10:46:21.501] MultiplayerClient.Menu.CustomInitialMenuScreen::HandleActivate
[10:46:21.501] MultiplayerClient.Menu.CustomInitialMenuScreen::HandleResume
[10:46:21.589] Loading xml file: $BASE/Modules/Native/SceneObj/inventory_character_scene/scene.xscene.
[10:46:21.589] Loading xml file: $BASE/Modules/Native/SceneObj/inventory_character_scene/atmosphere.xml.
[10:46:21.590] Loading xml file: $BASE/Modules/Native/SceneObj/inventory_character_scene/scene.xscene.
[10:46:21.590] Loading xml file: $BASE/Modules/Native/SceneObj/inventory_character_scene/atmosphere.xml.
[10:46:24.541] Start Game Final Cleanup.
[10:46:24.543] DeactivateAndFinalizeAllScreens
[10:46:24.543] MultiplayerClient.Menu.CustomInitialMenuScreen::HandlePause
[10:46:24.543] MultiplayerClient.Menu.CustomInitialMenuScreen::HandleDeactivate
[10:46:24.543] MultiplayerClient.Menu.CustomInitialMenuScreen::HandleFinalize
[10:46:24.552] OnScreenListChanged
[10:46:24.647] TableauCacheManager::ClearManager
[10:46:24.948] Exiting network manager...
[10:46:24.948] Deleting Game... [10:46:24.949] OK!
[10:46:24.949] Final_cleanup...
[10:46:24.949] Frame# : 3935.
[10:46:24.949] Saving options...
[10:46:24.949] Deleting resources...[10:46:24.969] Dumping resource usage information:
[10:46:24.969] #RT textures: 9.
[10:46:24.969] #DT textures: 2.
[10:46:24.969] #Data textures: 7.
[10:46:24.969] OK!
[10:46:25.023] Pre Finalizing Managed Interface...[10:46:25.120] OK!
[10:46:25.120] Deleting Managed Interface...
[10:46:25.210] Checking if any managed object still lives...
[10:46:25.210] There are no living managed objects.
[10:46:25.210] Managed Interface deleted.
Error: Non-Zero Device Reference Count! (ERC15028)

I kept looking through logs and found this in launcher_log_65612.txt. Seems potentially relevant to game files being corrupted if it's not able to load some game assemblies.

Assembly load result: NULL
Resolving: TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Launcher.Library.XmlSerializers
Loading assembly: TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Launcher.Library.XmlSerializers.dll

Assembly load result: NULL
Can't reset context
Loading FiraSansExtraCondensed-Regular font, at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules\Native\LauncherGUI\Fonts\FiraSansExtraCondensed-Regular/FiraSansExtraCondensed-Regular.fnt
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Multiplayer\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Multiplayer.GDK.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Multiplayer\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.DedicatedServer.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Multiplayer\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.DedicatedCommunityServer.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Multiplayer\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.DedicatedCustomServer.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Multiplayer\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.DedicatedCustomServer.Official.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Multiplayer\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.DedicatedCustomServer.WebPanel.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Multiplayer\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.ListedServer.MapServer.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Native\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Platform.PS.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Native\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Platform.GDK.dll
Init LauncherModsDLLManager
Total startup time: 1.4630
Max Dexree of Parallelism is set to: 22
Playing sound: default
Setting engine methods at Controller::SetEngineMethodsAsDotNet
Appending private path to current application domain.
Creating GameApplicationDomainController on current application domain.
Constructing GameApplicationDomainController.
Initializing GameApplicationDomainController as Dot Net.
Loading assembly: TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.dll
Last edited:


Oct 17, 2021
This error is happening to me consistently with a fresh install of both Bannerlord and the mod. Basically will happen within 10 seconds after loading into the game world without fail. I have reinstalled and verified game files several times.

Interesting fact, I am also using an AMD CPU/GPU. Seems plausible that that might be related to the issue. I checked in %programdata%/Mount and Blade II Bannerlord and while no crash logs were available, I found an error in rgl_log_2372.txt.

Error: Non-Zero Device Reference Count! (ERC15028)

I tried changing some of the graphics settings in both Bannerlord and AMD Adrenalin and didn't have any luck with resolving the error, but hopefully this message might point the devs in the right direction.

Here is the context of the error from the logs:
[10:46:07.444] IMono_MBMission::create_mission : 0.002396
[10:46:07.613] Force VSync State is now DEACTIVATED
[10:46:07.613] PushScreen
[10:46:07.613] SandBox.View.Map.MapScreen::HandlePause
[10:46:07.616] SandBox.View.Map.MapScreen::HandleDeactivate
[10:46:07.616] Release Sound Event 55
[10:46:07.616] OnScreenListChanged
[10:46:07.617] TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.View.Screens.MissionScreen::HandleInitialize
[10:46:07.617] -------MissionScreen-OnInitialize
[10:46:07.617] TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.View.Screens.MissionScreen::HandleActivate
[10:46:07.618] TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.View.Screens.MissionScreen::HandleResume
[10:46:07.823] Scene_view::clear_all(Main_map)
[10:46:08.063] Scene level: civilian set to activate.
[10:46:08.063] Scene level: level_3 set to activate.
[10:46:08.064] Loading xml file: $BASE/Modules/SandBoxCore/SceneObj/empire_town_d/scene.xscene.
[10:46:08.069] Loading xml file: $BASE/Modules/SandBoxCore/SceneObj/empire_town_d/atmosphere.xml.
[10:46:08.210] Oro temporary memory watermark: 56.63 KB (max 4096 KB).
[10:46:08.228] 2138 entities are registered as oro.
[10:46:08.266] NAV_MESH: load finished, first load for scene: 1
[10:46:08.282] rglShader_manager::read_compressed_shader_cache_package : 0.000097
[10:46:08.301] Placed flora count, 1047, flora_green__mix_big_leafs
[10:46:08.311] Loading xml file: $BASE/Modules/Native//ModuleData/water_prefabs.xml.
[10:46:08.322] Loading xml file: ../../Modules/Native/Atmospheres/Interpolated/semicloudy_empire.xml.
[10:46:08.460] ----------Mission-AddTeam-Defender
[10:46:08.499] ----------Mission-AddTeam-Attacker
[10:46:08.500] ----------Mission-AddTeam-Attacker
[10:46:08.566] -------MissionScreen-OnActivate
[10:46:08.669] --------------- Conversation Start ---------------
[10:46:08.669] Conversation character name: Godric
id: singleplayer_tutorial_first_dialog
[10:46:08.683] AI -> (multiplayer_dialog_1116) -
[10:46:08.895] Bake Terrain
[10:46:08.964] Bake Terrain
[10:46:08.969] Bake Terrain
[10:46:08.974] Bake Terrain
[10:46:20.268] I called EndMission
[10:46:20.272] I called EndMissionInternal
[10:46:20.290] --------------- Conversation End ---------------
[10:46:20.529] -------MissionScreen-OnDeactivate
[10:46:20.634] CleanScreens
[10:46:20.634] TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.View.Screens.MissionScreen::HandlePause
[10:46:20.634] TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.View.Screens.MissionScreen::HandleDeactivate
[10:46:20.634] -------MissionScreen-OnDeactivate
[10:46:20.634] TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.View.Screens.MissionScreen::HandleFinalize
[10:46:20.634] -------MissionScreen-OnFinalize
[10:46:20.654] Scene_view::clear_all(empire_town_d)
[10:46:20.655] OnScreenListChanged
[10:46:20.655] SandBox.View.Map.MapScreen::HandlePause
[10:46:20.655] SandBox.View.Map.MapScreen::HandleDeactivate
[10:46:20.655] SandBox.View.Map.MapScreen::HandleFinalize
[10:46:20.655] RemoveGlobalLayer
[10:46:20.657] RemoveGlobalLayer
[10:46:20.908] Scene_view::clear_all(Main_map)
[10:46:20.909] OnScreenListChanged
[10:46:21.003] CleanScreens
[10:46:21.096] opening ..\..\Modules\Native/ModuleData/global_strings.xml
[10:46:21.096] opening ../../XmlSchemas/GameText.xsd
[10:46:21.098] opening ..\..\Modules\Native/ModuleData/native_strings.xml
[10:46:21.098] opening ../../XmlSchemas/GameText.xsd
[10:46:21.100] opening ..\..\Modules\Native/ModuleData/module_strings.xml
[10:46:21.100] opening ../../XmlSchemas/GameText.xsd
[10:46:21.115] opening ..\..\Modules\Native/ModuleData/photo_mode_strings.xml
[10:46:21.115] opening ../../XmlSchemas/GameText.xsd
[10:46:21.117] opening ..\..\Modules\BannerlordOnline/ModuleData/module_strings.xml
[10:46:21.117] opening ../../XmlSchemas/GameText.xsd
[10:46:21.413] Force VSync State is now DEACTIVATED
[10:46:21.413] CleanAndPushScreen
[10:46:21.413] DeactivateAndFinalizeAllScreens
[10:46:21.413] OnScreenListChanged
[10:46:21.501] OnScreenListChanged
[10:46:21.501] MultiplayerClient.Menu.CustomInitialMenuScreen::HandleInitialize
[10:46:21.501] MultiplayerClient.Menu.CustomInitialMenuScreen::HandleActivate
[10:46:21.501] MultiplayerClient.Menu.CustomInitialMenuScreen::HandleResume
[10:46:21.589] Loading xml file: $BASE/Modules/Native/SceneObj/inventory_character_scene/scene.xscene.
[10:46:21.589] Loading xml file: $BASE/Modules/Native/SceneObj/inventory_character_scene/atmosphere.xml.
[10:46:21.590] Loading xml file: $BASE/Modules/Native/SceneObj/inventory_character_scene/scene.xscene.
[10:46:21.590] Loading xml file: $BASE/Modules/Native/SceneObj/inventory_character_scene/atmosphere.xml.
[10:46:24.541] Start Game Final Cleanup.
[10:46:24.543] DeactivateAndFinalizeAllScreens
[10:46:24.543] MultiplayerClient.Menu.CustomInitialMenuScreen::HandlePause
[10:46:24.543] MultiplayerClient.Menu.CustomInitialMenuScreen::HandleDeactivate
[10:46:24.543] MultiplayerClient.Menu.CustomInitialMenuScreen::HandleFinalize
[10:46:24.552] OnScreenListChanged
[10:46:24.647] TableauCacheManager::ClearManager
[10:46:24.948] Exiting network manager...
[10:46:24.948] Deleting Game... [10:46:24.949] OK!
[10:46:24.949] Final_cleanup...
[10:46:24.949] Frame# : 3935.
[10:46:24.949] Saving options...
[10:46:24.949] Deleting resources...[10:46:24.969] Dumping resource usage information:
[10:46:24.969] #RT textures: 9.
[10:46:24.969] #DT textures: 2.
[10:46:24.969] #Data textures: 7.
[10:46:24.969] OK!
[10:46:25.023] Pre Finalizing Managed Interface...[10:46:25.120] OK!
[10:46:25.120] Deleting Managed Interface...
[10:46:25.210] Checking if any managed object still lives...
[10:46:25.210] There are no living managed objects.
[10:46:25.210] Managed Interface deleted.
Error: Non-Zero Device Reference Count! (ERC15028)

I kept looking through logs and found this in launcher_log_65612.txt. Seems potentially relevant to game files being corrupted if it's not able to load some game assemblies.

Assembly load result: NULL
Resolving: TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Launcher.Library.XmlSerializers
Loading assembly: TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Launcher.Library.XmlSerializers.dll

Assembly load result: NULL
Can't reset context
Loading FiraSansExtraCondensed-Regular font, at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules\Native\LauncherGUI\Fonts\FiraSansExtraCondensed-Regular/FiraSansExtraCondensed-Regular.fnt
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Multiplayer\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Multiplayer.GDK.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Multiplayer\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.DedicatedServer.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Multiplayer\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.DedicatedCommunityServer.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Multiplayer\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.DedicatedCustomServer.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Multiplayer\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.DedicatedCustomServer.Official.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Multiplayer\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.DedicatedCustomServer.WebPanel.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Multiplayer\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.ListedServer.MapServer.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Native\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Platform.PS.dll
Couldn't find .dll: ..\..\Modules\Native\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Platform.GDK.dll
Init LauncherModsDLLManager
Total startup time: 1.4630
Max Dexree of Parallelism is set to: 22
Playing sound: default
Setting engine methods at Controller::SetEngineMethodsAsDotNet
Appending private path to current application domain.
Creating GameApplicationDomainController on current application domain.
Constructing GameApplicationDomainController.
Initializing GameApplicationDomainController as Dot Net.
Loading assembly: TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.dll

It's not actually mentioned in this guide, but could you try deleting the Watchdog file and/or folder located in the Bannerlord installation? Its a native anticheat program that has caused problems like crashes since it was added a few versions ago.

Delete Watchdog file or folder
\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\Watchdog

The files/folder will automatically recreated by the game.
Last edited:


Oct 9, 2024
Screenshot 2024-10-09 201331.png
I get this error a few seconds after I join the NA server. I have tried all the troubleshooting tips but this same error keeps popping up.


Oct 17, 2021
View attachment 2802
I get this error a few seconds after I join the NA server. I have tried all the troubleshooting tips but this same error keeps popping up.

Unfortunately there is no known solution for this error.
It's actually referrencing to a native Bannerlord file located in \steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client named Newtonsoft.Json.dll that wants to inject itself into the game while it's running.

It's a fairly rare error, but none of the players that ran into this confirmed whether they managed to resolve it or if they stopped playing.

While it may not work, the only thing I can recommend at this point..
- Restart the computer (to ensure nothing is injecting)
- Verifying game files through Steam


Oct 27, 2024
Troubleshooting Guide
Your game has crashed and you've received this error message? Then read this post on how to resolve this.

Error: ERROR: Game files are corrupted! Please try to completely uninstall the game and reinstall via Steam or Epic Games Store.

View attachment 774

These error messages have since been updated to include a particular line relevant to the crash. If the below steps do not help, reply with the screenshot or contact members with the technical support role through Discord.​

Has it worked before? If yes, then what changed since it stopped working? This error can occur for a few reasons.
  • The game had an update
  • There are single player mods installed
Delete Watchdog file or folder
Starting with version 1.2.x, Watchdog has been causing problems with the game. Deleting this has resolved this error for several players. The file is found inside the Bannerlord folder. You can choose to delete the Watchdog.exe file or the entire Watchdog folder. Then try launching the game again.
\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\Watchdog

The Game had an update
It is fairly common for game files to get corrupted when the base game is updated through Steam. Verifying the game files will resolve this.
View attachment 2259

There are single player mods installed
Although it's perfectly possible to have single player mods installed, it highly depends on the mods whether they will cause conflicts with Bannerlord Online. Go through the steps below until it works.
  1. Disable all single player mods in the base game Launcher. Try launching Bannerlord Online.
  2. (Temporarily) Remove the mods from Bannerlord.
    1. Create a new folder in a location convenient for you.
    2. Navigate to the Bannerlord Modules folder. "\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules"
    3. Move all single player mods to the new folder created in step 1 and try launching Bannerlord Online. Only the following mods should remain.
      - BannerlordOnline
      - BirthAndDeath
      - CustomBattle
      - Multiplayer
      - Native
      - SandBox
      - SandBox Core
      - StoryMode
    4. Verify the game files. See steps for "The Game had an update" above.
  3. Reinstall Bannerlord and Bannerlord Online.
Steam Workshop
Like mods installed through third party websites suchbas nexusmods, mods installed through the steam workshop can also cause conflicts. However, the steam workshop does not install the mods into the Modules folder. As these mods are automatically re-downloaded if moved, the only option is to unsubscribe to the mods installed using the steam workshop.​
Conflicting Mods
For a list of known conflicting mods, check (Info) Mods conflicting with BO


  • bandicam 2024-10-27 18-30-19-951.jpg
    bandicam 2024-10-27 18-30-19-951.jpg
    485.7 KB · Views: 8


Oct 17, 2021
I'm having difficulty finding proper information on the file in question that's causing the error, namely the "ManagedStarter.exe" file.

If you haven't already, make sure to try verifying game files through Steam.

If that doesn't help, could you confirm some information about your Bannerlord installation?
  • What version of Bannerlord are you running? (Current is v1.2.11)
  • Any chance you're running on Linux?
  • Do you have any other mods installed for Bannerlord? Possibly one of them is causing this error.
  • Were you able to run Bannerlord Online without any problems prior to getting this error message? If yes, then did you make any changes at all like installing mods or other software on the computer?


Dec 2, 2024
Anyone have any luck with this issue ,Im also having this issue and have tried all of the above mentioned and no luck


Oct 17, 2021
Anyone have any luck with this issue ,Im also having this issue and have tried all of the above mentioned and no luck
There are a few different versions of this error message. The details in the error may refer to a different file that's causing the problem.


Oct 17, 2021
There isn't much to try on this error, but one thing worth trying is deleting the NewtonSoft.json.dll file located in the Bannerlord installation folder. This should be the main file, though I know the same file also exists in the other folders located in \Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\bin. If the error persists, there's no harm in trying to delete the ones in Crashupload.Publish and the Win64_Shipping_wEditor folders.
\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client

After deleting the file, verify the integrity of the installation through Steam.