F.A.Q. - Clan Update


Oct 17, 2021
Bannerlord Online - Clan Update FAQ

Here's a list of questions I commonly noticed either ingame or on the discord. I will try to keep this post up to date as more questions or information is available.

How do I make a clan?
- Talk to a "Steward of (faction name) Clans" inside a capital city. There is 1 steward per faction. Once you've completed the mission, return to the steward to form your clan. Your clan will be part of the faction/culture that the steward is from.​
What are the capital towns I can find the Steward in?
  • Aserai --> Qasira
  • Battania --> Dunglanys
  • Khuzait --> Chaikand
  • Northern Empire --> Saneopa
  • Southern Empire --> Vostrum
  • Sturgia --> Omor
  • Vlandia --> Pravend
  • Western Empire --> Zeonica
Can you complete the clan starting mission with other players?
- Not at this time. Due to a bug it was made solo with reduced difficulty. However it is still a very difficult challenge. You will be able to fight 7 VS 50 enemies. The mission is designed to heal you fully so you can try again if you fail.​
How do I buy a clan house?
- After completing the quest, return to a City or Village and use the settlement services menu. View the available houses and talk to the person inside.​
Can I have multiple clan houses?
- You can have up to 2 clan houses.
How much does a clan house cost?
- Village: 300000 Denars​
- City: 1000000 Denars​
How much does a second clan house cost?
- Village: 300000 Denars + 5000 Influence​
- City: 1000000 Denars + 10000 Influence​
What is the impact of clan culture?
- Your first clan house can only be purchased inside a city or village belonging to the same culture/faction as your clan.
How do I decorate the clan house?
- There should be a toolrack in the house (usually near the door). Approach it and press F.
How can I obtain more decorations and/or banner options?
- Clan customization options can randomly drop as loot from fighting bandits in the Frostlands and Wildlands.
- Other players may sell clan customizations at a trader. (Zeonica is a popular trade location)
How many people can join a clan?
- This depends on the clan level. See information below.
Clan Level 1 --> 5 Members
Clan Level 2 --> 7 Members
Clan Level 3 --> 9 Members
Clan Level 4 --> 11 Members
Clan Level 5 --> 13 Members
Clan Level 6 --> 15 Members
Clan Level 7 --> 18 Members
Clan Level 8 --> 22 Members
Clan Level 9 --> 26 Members
Clan Level 10 --> 30 Members
What is Influence used for?
- Influence can be transferred to a clan to increase clan levels. (See next post for more information.)
Is there a cooldown for leaving a clan and joining another clan?
- There is a 23 hour cooldown before you can rejoin a clan.
How do I start a war or make an alliance with another clan?
- Open the Encyclopedia (N) and search for the clan. You will have the options on the clan page. Only members with the “Managing Diplomacy” permission are able to do so. Clan leaders have this by default.
- You can declare wars up to 2 times your clan level. (min. 2, max 20)
- War automatically ends if clans have not fought for a week.
Are there any benefits and/or risks to being in a clan?
- Being in a clan means you can target other clans for war, or be targetted for war.​
- Clan houses can provide storage for items​
- Clan colors will be reflected on armor.
- Defeated players may be captured after battle. (See next post for more information.)
- Below Clan Bonus must be purchased after the existing bonus expires.​
Clan Bonus.PNG
How do I leave a clan?
- You can leave a clan by talking to the clan steward in your faction capital.
- You can have the clan leader remove you from the clan.

Can I move the clan house to another location?
- It is not possible to move an existing clan house.​
- You can only have a clan house within the faction of your clan. Should you want to move to another faction, you would have to change clan culture.
- A second clan house can be purchased in any faction.
Can I store troops?
- All players are able to store troops in town for 50% of regular wages.
- Wounded units stored in town heal at an increased rate.
- The amount of troops you can store is the same as the amount you can bring with you.
Warning: Troops stored in town lose their XP progress! (Even if they are ready to be promoted) This is not a bug, this is base game behaviour.
How do I change my current banner?
- After creating a new banner (Press B), go to the clan house and talk to Boris. You should now be able to choose between your created banners.
How do I rename my clan?
- Go to your clan house and talk to Boris. It costs 50000 Denars to change name.
What is the difference between a clan house in a city and a village?
- The storage capacity for cities is twice as much as villages. (See next post for more information.)
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Oct 17, 2021
How do I transfer leadership of a Clan?
- Go to your clan house and talk to Boris. Choose the option "I want to resign my position as clan leader."​

Clan House Storage Capacity
The amount of storage depends on the amount of chests placed in the clan house. Below are the limitations.​
How much storage does a chest have?
Large Chest: 400​
Medium Chest: 200, 150, 140​
Small Chest: 100, 95, 75, 60​

How does Influence work?
Increasing Influence
- Influence can be obtained by performing daily missions and choosing Influence as the reward. You can see which Influence missions you can do by going to any Tavern and checking on the mission board. Keep in mind, the mission itself is not picked up from the board.​
- Influence is also obtained from combat against AI on the campaign map and seems to translate to 1 influence per 20 troops killed.​
- Hideouts give 2 influence upon completion.​
Donating Influence
- Influence can be donated to your clan by talking to Boris inside your clan house.​
- Only the clan leader can spend the influence towards the clan level.​
Losing Influence
- Clans do not lose influence, but can spend it on Bonus or clan leveling.​
- Players will lose influence depending on how much they have.​
  • 0 - 149 Influence: No loss
  • 150 - 299 Influence: 10 Influence lost per day
  • 300+ Influence: 20 Influence lost per day
What role does Wood play?
Upgrading Clan Houses
- Wood is a key resource required to upgrade clan houses.​
- Wood can be turned into stacks of wood. You can create a stack for every 100 wood you have, allowing for easier storage in personal/clan warehouse.​
- Wood can be turned into Cargo, allowing players to transfer it to another city for a price.​
Obtaining Wood
- Wood can be obtained by placing an order for wood in a village that produces Hardwood. If multiple players are ordering wood from the same village, your order will be placed in a que. The order with the highest price per wood will be fulfilled first.​
- Each faction has at least one such village. Battania has three villages that produce Hardwood.​
- Obtained Wood can also be sold to other players. Wood weighs 0.3 per unit.​
- It can take between 1-3 swings on a tree to generate a Woodpile for delivery to a warehouse.​
- You can carry up to 3 woodpiles, but your speed will decrease further for each stack. (50%/60%/80% for 1/2/3 stacks)​
Village Work
- Players can work in villages that produce Hardwood by talking to the Headman. The amount paid per delivered wood depends on the orders placed by players in the village. In order to work, players must locate a warehouse on the outskirts of town and grab an axe. Then chop down trees with a white X on it. Once sticks drop, they will need to be delivered to the warehouse.​
Capturing Players
- There is a 15% chance of capturing an enemy player after defeating them in PvP.​
- Captured players will remain captured for 10 minutes. If the player is delivered to a clan house dungeon, the emprisoned player remains captured for an hour.​
- A captured player in a dungeon is able to escape sooner after they accumulate enough health. (Not implemented)
- Players can be damaged while in a dungeon.​
Forming Cargo
- By talking to the Headsman in a village, or Trader in a city, you can create your own cargo to be delivered. "I want to form a cargo for delivery". Select an item to be delivered, select a destination, choose a price (min. 1000) and choose a profit the player gets for delivery. You will pay a small deposit for daily storage fee. Once the cargo has been delivered, you can pick it up from the trader/headsman.​
- Players that deliver their own cargo will need to exit the town/city and re-enter in order to pick up your delivery.​
- It is possible to use Cargo as a storage means by not picking it up. Delivered cargo persists through a server restart.​
- Other players can deliver said cargo and increase their Trade skill by doing so. This works the same as delivering Cargo for a Trader.​
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Queen Anna

Jun 14, 2021
Подскажите пожалуйста, а как взять квест у вора для получения влияния?
Я несколько раз пробовала, но выпадает либо поиск сундука, либо помощь деревне. Очень обидно, ведь часто этот квест самый выгодный по набору влияния :( .
Я только недавно озаботилась этим вопросом, и поэтому ещё не знаю всех тонкостей.


Oct 17, 2021
Подскажите пожалуйста, а как взять квест у вора для получения влияния?
Я несколько раз пробовала, но выпадает либо поиск сундука, либо помощь деревне. Очень обидно, ведь часто этот квест самый выгодный по набору влияния :( .
Я только недавно озаботилась этим вопросом, и поэтому ещё не знаю всех тонкостей.

If you are in a group with other players while talking to the Thief, you also gain the chance to get the Bandit Opressor quest, which is able to grant Influence.
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Queen Anna

Jun 14, 2021
If you are in a group with other players while talking to the Thief, you also gain the chance to get the Bandit Opressor quest, which is able to grant Influence.
Спасибо за быстрый и развёрнутый ответ, и за саму идею написания этого обучения.(жаль не на родном, но переживём;) )
А у меня возникли ещё вопросы. Можно ли создать группу играя соло, не прося чьей либо помощи, и как это сделать?
Никогда не была ни в одной группе, или клане и понятия даже не имею как это всё работает.
И ещё вопрос я никогда не выполняла все задания по сбору влияния, однако доска каждый раз полностью очищалась, задолго до окончания указанного времени! Отсюда и вопрос: видимо есть суточный лимит? И какой он?
Заранее благодарю!

Queen Anna

Jun 14, 2021
Nobody knows the answer to my questions? Is there a limit on influence farming, and what is its size?

Thank u


Oct 17, 2021
Спасибо за быстрый и развёрнутый ответ, и за саму идею написания этого обучения.(жаль не на родном, но переживём;) )
А у меня возникли ещё вопросы. Можно ли создать группу играя соло, не прося чьей либо помощи, и как это сделать?
Никогда не была ни в одной группе, или клане и понятия даже не имею как это всё работает.
И ещё вопрос я никогда не выполняла все задания по сбору влияния, однако доска каждый раз полностью очищалась, задолго до окончания указанного времени! Отсюда и вопрос: видимо есть суточный лимит? И какой он?
Заранее благодарю!
Sorry for the delayed response.

In order to create a group, you will need another player. But after the group is formed, you can just go your own way. The group will persist until all other members leave the group. Going offline will not disband the group. There are guides on the forum on forming groups in both English and Russian.

I'm not sure why the board would be empty, as this should only happen if you've done those quests before the reset.

As for the limit on influence, there shouldn't be a limit. However, after you get 150 influence, you will experience a daily leak that will make you lose influence. As you gain a higher amount of influence, this leak will also increase.

Keep in mind Influence is only used by clans. So if you don't intend to join a clan, you'll have no use for influence. If small clans are willing, they could offer you money for you to join the clan and donate your influence, then leave the clan again.

Queen Anna

Jun 14, 2021
I'm not sure why the board would be empty, as this should only happen if you've done those quests before the reset.
nevertheless, this is true, the board is completely cleaned every(!) day. So the daily limit exists! ;)


Oct 17, 2021
Hello every one I have a question: how we can escape from dungeon when we have full health??? because I was captured and they send me to the Dungeon. I had full health but I could not scape and I be in there for one hour so boring plz if any one know that I will be thankful
Hi Thomas Marshal,

The escape functionality hasn't been implemented yet, meaning you can only escape if someone opens the door for you, or they set ransom and someone pays.

Hopefully they won't forget to implement this functionality.
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John Brabant

Dec 20, 2021
Thank you very much SyncWolf for the information. Are there any details regarding upgraden a Dungeon to a Prison? Can you capture and hold someone in prison if you only have a Dungeon? Or do you need a Prison update? Thanks in advance!


Oct 17, 2021
Thank you very much SyncWolf for the information. Are there any details regarding upgraden a Dungeon to a Prison? Can you capture and hold someone in prison if you only have a Dungeon? Or do you need a Prison update? Thanks in advance!
You indeed need the prison update to be able to hold a prisoner. The base dungeon is 5000 wood, the first prison upgrade is 15000 wood.


Feb 21, 2022
How can you turn off clan Pvp? It's very annoying to try to play with a few new(ish) players and constantly get jumped by lvl 10 clans, it ruins the game completely.


Infantry Man
Apr 10, 2021
How can you turn off clan Pvp? It's very annoying to try to play with a few new(ish) players and constantly get jumped by lvl 10 clans, it ruins the game completely.
You can't. Being in a clan means diplomacy and all that comes with it.


Oct 17, 2021
New Influence Update

  • Daily influence leak has been removed from clans. To compensate, the clan bonus has become a purchasable option and requires Influence.
  • Clans can now purchase a second clan house. This purchase also requires Influence on top of the regular Denars.
Top posts have been updated to reflect the new information.
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Oct 17, 2021
I need help My influence points did not increase. from Looter attacks or hideout

You can gain a maximum of 75 Influence per day from combat/hideouts and influence from a maximum of 3 daily missions per day.
In case of looters and other bandits, you get about 1 influence per 20 enemies.

If you're not getting any influence, you're either already exceeded the 75 influence for the day, or are attacking a party too small to yield influence.


Dec 14, 2023
Здравствуйте. Подскажите, пожалуйста, сколько нужно влияния на каждый новый уровень клана?


Staff member
Nov 12, 2020
Здравствуйте. Подскажите, пожалуйста, сколько нужно влияния на каждый новый уровень клана?
Это именно сколько нужно влить для перехода на каждый уровень. Ответила вам и в дискорде.
2-й уровень 300.
3-й уровень 900.
4-й уровень 1300.
5-й уровень 2000.
6-й уровень 2500.
7-й уровень 3000.
8-й уровень 5000.
9-й уровень 6000.
10-й уровень 9000