My thoughts so far

Sir Horn

Jan 28, 2023
Howdy All,

First I want to say this mod is fun, and I am enjoying it for the most part. However Ive noticed some basic issues (issues imo). First are the prices of items in the market on the US side. Anything worth its salt is going to take weeks upon weeks of killing looters. This is a big deterrent for new players like myself. I had two friends start same day as me and sadly they quit after three days ( to grindy for them). I come from KR MMOs so the grind isnt that bad but its bad from the average player perspective.

The second issue is companions. If you dont know high end players chances are you are going to have some crap companions with no useful skills. While I understand this its pretty daunting killing hordes and hordes of looters and getting just 100% junk. Im probably two weeks in now, and i think ive seen 1-2 companions with two perks both usually junk. Again I get this but that brings the next issue to the hideouts.

Hideouts are way to hard even at this two week mark for me I cannot complete a single one. I was told you basically have to grind up scouting to get the extra party members to make this happen. With 4 and myself we usually run out of time by the time we reach the NPC to rescue. My recommendation for these hideouts is to make more. Make some easier ones that drop maybe t1 companions with duel perks. Something newer players can do? Again these hideouts are extremely hard (imo). With avg starter gear maybe t4 things you basically get two shot by everything. But it takes you about 4 hits to kill something.

Item prices are crazy, while I understand this is a player driven market and it might take a bit of time to collect money to buy things the prices are insane. It seems like there are basic items everyone uses, maybe consider tweaking those to make other items equal? Again since I know this is player driven you are pushing newer players out (except me because I like it and made friends), I think capping prices could be a good thing within reason. Or maybe centralizing markets between servers EU/US/RU/CN.

Did i mention NPC damage yet? Its quite high on the receiving end. It may not effect those vets but new players being nuked by rocks is crazy. I was informed at some point there was an XP event back in the day. WHich the vets were able to take advantage of, not taking anything away from them it was an event. But in order for new players to catch up its quite difficult. Maybe come up with a solution such as new players (IE New accounts) get XP bonus for set amount of time. This will allow those players to catch up slightly .

The very very last thing there are basically no guides or information around for this mod. I learned the hardway are a new char with 20 troops you cant do a looted caravan. It doesnt state how many troops your fighting. Same with the other hideouts, you have no clue on what your walking in to.

Again this is not to flame the mod what so ever. As i mentioned I am enjoying it but if you come in solo no friends you prob will not be sticking around for long. Thanks for making this mod I hope some of my feedback helps.


Infantry Man
Mar 21, 2021
Liked the post, not because I particular agree to everything but just that these days its not rare to see posts where people are unhappy with things, but its rare to see posts where people express unhappiness with things but also provide suggestions that fix what they are unhappy with.


Mar 28, 2023
Also a new player and I am finding a lot of similar issues, I have been giving the game an honest try the last couple days and the concepts been fun but when it feels impossible to find a good affordable weapon, or a horse that isn't dying of old age, and it feeling like I haven't progressed in the least bit despite playing for multiple days im probably just going to drop the game.


Apr 4, 2023
Sadly also considering dropping the game because the next “tier” horse is over 250k, while only fighting looters who still nuke my veteran infantry in 2-3 hits is kinda cringe. I shouldn’t have to get 40 archers in my party and kite them in circles so my archers just kill everyone. Including how impossible it is to get iron ore, it’d be cool if you could force your npcs or something to help you mine or something to speed up orders for people.


Mar 31, 2023
Buenas tardes! Concuerdo profundamente en el sistema de precios. Es realmente molesto, más entendiendo que el objetivo final no es tener armadura o armas, sino usarlas con un propísito. En ese sentido, hay artículos vergonzosamente inaccesibles. Las monturas básicas están por encima de los 250k, así como armaduras que no son buenas.

Con esto no quiero decir que no haya armaduras o monturas con precios altos, sino que todos sabemos cuales son esos artículos que no obstante deben serlo (como una pechera de catafracta, no podemos esperar pagarla menos de 300k, ya que ni siquiera en el modo single jugador sucede).

Por otro lado, concuerdo también con el sistema de Xp que cuestionas. Es molesto, lento y le quita la gracia al juego. Como también se la quita que con armaduras con 50 de daño de protección al cuerpo, una piedra en tu pecho te saque 20-25 de daño. Es sencillamente banal.


Infantry Man
Mar 21, 2021
The high prices should go down in time, I think one of the issues is that many people have too much money and so 250k is pocket change for them and in their eyes cheap for whatever item they sell at that price. Part of me think there should be a
and the other part is screaming NOOOoooooo....!

Maybe have a start boost for new players, for a limited time they gain stats and/or money at increased rate. I dont see that solving the market problem though and it would also maybe spawn even more alts. Damn alts, I honestly think they are part of the reason for the high prices. I really dont think alts belong in an RvR game.
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Mar 28, 2023
idk much about virtual economies but something tells me constant resets may not be the solution, though a reset may be needed at this stage once something can stop inflation lol.