The Fallen Mercenary Company [EU 1 - RECRUITING]

FMC Rekington

Mar 19, 2021
Our Motto: Money Makes Merry

The Fallen Mercenary Company

We are a guild, focussing on protection of players and supporting factions in large scale PvP. We are recruiting people that would be interested in taking part in massive wars with us, help us bring in new players to the community and support their wellbeing and overall help make Calradia an overall, safer place for newcomers.

We want to Promise:

Group Farming sessions, that we ritually call "The Council of the Farm". This council of the farm actually allows us to do two things. Grind and discuss things about the faction and ideas on how to improve. This brainstorming process gives everybody the opportunity to get to know eachother and give feedback in a chill setting for all to enjoy and make money from.

Regular Route Protection, that we enforce to allow our members to take part in leveling up their trade and of course make some decent profit in the meanwhile. We will protect and help people to take out the bandits along these paths, making them safer, gaining leadership for newcomers and overall benefit everybody.

Group Hunting, that we will regularly practice to encourage people to work with new members and get them where they need to be. No point wasting good men in trash gear. Let's elevate people and get them where they need to be to help the common good of our soldiers.

Mercenary Contracts, that we will uphold to a professional standard. We want to support clans with their wars, at a price. Simply put, we will charge a reasonable rate but having a large group like us on your side could be the different between victory and defeat.

Ranking systems, allowing you to expand or specialize your role within the clan. We want you to be able to feel comfortable in the position you are in, and these are subject to change based on your criteria, wealth, amount of troops, and duration of being within the mercenary company. Longevity is key, we want to be helping people and building ourselves up for as long as possible.

Diplomatic Emphasis, allowing us the ability to work with groups, creating neutrality until we are contracted and allowing us freedom to move around and accomplish what we want to accomplish, at the same time providing ourselves an asset to the greater good.

Chivalry and Mercenary combined, to make us the most appropriate soldiers for any great army.

Important Information:

Server: EU1
Time-zone: UTC
Language: English will be spoken at all times.

Join us today, and don't just earn glory. Earn gold.

Join our discord:

FMC Rekington

Mar 19, 2021
Remember, join us before PvP starts to be garunteed a slightly higher than starting rank, and take part in our initiate program. Guiding you to getting your leadership up amongst other things. See you all when you choose to join.

FMC Rekington

Mar 19, 2021
Just to let everybody know we've breached the 80 player threshold recently. We still have plenty of space and are ready to receive new recruits.