New Player Starting City

S i d

Mar 22, 2021
I believe this is a very important topic that has to be addressed. As of now, every single character, regardless of their race/ethnic background (Imperial, Aserai, Vlandians, etc...) start off their journey in Zeonica. At first glance, that's pretty cushy, you have pretty much anything you'd need: Market, Warehouse, Clan Creation, Starting Quest, Low level looters all around. Really good overall.

Now, when this system has some drawback is where Zeonica is actually the one hub everyone needs to do anything. All the market buy/sell are pretty much all in there, you would go off in the world but really you'd be missing out of selling your items anywhere other than in Zeonica.

My proposition is that depending on the race any players chooses, the starting area would be a city of the said-faction.
e.g.: starting as a Vlandian would land you in Sargot - start Khuzait in Akkalat - start Aserai to start in Husn Fulq, etc...

Now bare in mind that making these kind of changes of starting city should come with some considerations.
Every starting city should have:
- a market
- a warehouse
- the starting player quest
- low-level/number looters in the vicinity
- a clan creation NPC

This would ensure that players would travel more to find awesome loot that other cities might now have, it will finally make traveling away from Zeonica and establishing anything anywhere else relevant.

Thank you for reading - I hope you consider this.