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  1. S i d

    New Player Starting City

    I believe this is a very important topic that has to be addressed. As of now, every single character, regardless of their race/ethnic background (Imperial, Aserai, Vlandians, etc...) start off their journey in Zeonica. At first glance, that's pretty cushy, you have pretty much anything you'd...
  2. S i d

    PvP event clarification [18-19 SEP 2021]

    This post is in regards to this event: As much as there are a lot of rules and regulations and specific details, there are still so questions that I have. Question about this is what if the clan I'm part of...
  3. S i d

    Age of your character - Mine looks so old right now

    Hello, I was just logging in Bannerlord after a long period of exam time to find out my in-game character looks completely elderly. His black beard is turning white and forehead is completely wrinkly. I love the fact that your character ages but I didn't expect it to be so fast. Also there's no...
  4. S i d

    [RESOLVED] Hideout inaccessible

    There's a hideout for the Mabon hideout quest that is completely inaccessible (picture provided). Not only is it not accessible but also it is impossible to cancel the quest or pick up a new Mabon quest. It feels completely stuck there. Unable to get some good Mabon quest loot. Please fix.
  5. S i d

    Crash on trading menu

    Hi there, I believe I found a very specific crash that happens routinely. When you buy a cargo (for trading), and someone else is also buying it at the same time, I get a hard crash every single time. Is it only me or someone else is having this issue? Whenever I'm alone and trading, that never...