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  1. G

    No repair possible

    When you try to repair damaged things at an artisan the list is empty. Your damaged equip doesnt show up in the list.
  2. G

    alle 2-3 minuten stürzt mein spiel ab seid 2 tagen

    es kam ein neuer patch, der hat einiges durcheinander gebracht. ist aber wieder gefixt und läuft
  3. G

    BUG - Companion down - units charge - Companions not groupable

    When a companion is downed all units charged, seems bugged. You also cant group them, they still are always in group I which is kind of meh...
  4. G

    Food Production

    Only problem i had so far: food is way too heavy, it just weights so much. Bread for 5 days for 75 troops weights around 150.
  5. G

    FAQ - Companions

    Hey, skills can be unlocked by leveling up and doing the special "quest" for the companion after talking to him/her after gaining enough exp. There are still companions without any perks that wont get exp so i think they are useless.