Recent content by Judanne

  1. Judanne

    Game Version?

  2. Judanne

    Maybe punish clanless players a little less?

    I think it's the nature of World PvP in MMOs. It's a game of cat and mouse; whoever has the numbers wins most battles. A lot of valuable goods are found in the PvP zones like the Northlands and Wildlands, reinforcing the idea of risk and reward. The economy revolves around rare goods that...
  3. Judanne

    What is raw silk used for?

    My guess it'll be for customizing clan home interiors in the next update.
  4. Judanne


    There are item modifiers in the game such as "broken," "shabby," and "rusty". Perhaps there is a way to make it so that there is a chance for gear to degrade and become less in quality after each battle. This would encourage players to replace broken gear. However, gear won't despawn from the...