Recent content by Crusty Johnson

  1. C

    this mod is pain full

    what an odd post, honestly the entitlement and disregard of some players is astounding....this mod is FREE and being made by VOLUNTEERs. They have accomplished AMAZING things and have put out updates REGULARLY, oftentimes AHEAD OF SCHEDULE. Please just stop being so ridiculous.
  2. C

    Battania Arena

    I feel like the Battania arena could use a rework. Some of the weapon loadouts are really good, but for me I feel like there is too much emphasis on archery and ZERO emphasis on 2H sword, which is my favorite weapon and the main reason I usually go Battania.
  3. C

    The way i see the implementation of PVP in Bannerlord Online

    That's true, gonna be interesting to see what they come up with. I think they'll figure it out though
  4. C

    The way i see the implementation of PVP in Bannerlord Online

    Honestly I think there will be huge factions if people get their way...people always want to join with the biggest team and stomp people, look at Eve...i would like a cap on how many can be In a clan and only fief owneing clans able to vote in war